Burton Albion, Football Pubs and Out Of Touch Politicians

Burton The Beech 03.03.18  (29).jpg

Philip Hammond, Keir Starmer, Theresa May, Jeremy Corbyn, Nick Clegg, Michel Barnier, Jean Claude Juncker, Guy Verhofstadt, Ken Clarke, Anna Soubry, Dominic Grieve, Michael Gove, David Davis, Peter Mandelson, Nicola Sturgeon, Boris Johnson, John McDonell, Vince Cable, Emmanuel Macron, Martin Schulz, Elmar Brok, Angela Merkel and particularly Neil Kinnock…BORE OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!

Burton The Beech 03.03.18  (5).jpg

I was thinking about this today as I enjoyed a cracking half pint of Pedigree (Marston’s) in the 169 —The Beech Hotel DE13 0DL near to Burton Albion’s ground (which is actually classed as Stretton).

Honestly, all the post Brexit debate has told me is that most politicians are completely out of touch with the normal ordinary working man.  I’m pretty sure if you went to a car factory in Wolfsburg, a bar in Warsaw, a street market in Bayeux, a port in Rotterdam, a holiday resort in Kavos or a brewer in Belgium they would tell all these posturing politicians – sort it out.

The constant threats/negotiations and continued moving of goalposts will not affect one of the aforementioned  who live in very nice Ivory Towers, despite what they claim. However, their egos won’t allow them to strike a deal and it is all so bloody predictable.

However, at least the bonus is now that nearly all of Europe recognise that all of this posturing and machismo is absolute drivel and that at no stage are any of these people, who will all live in property worth at least £1,000,000 I reckon, trying to do what’s best for their constituents or the public at large.

What’s this got to do with a boozer near to Burton Albion’s Pirelli Stadium I hear you cry?  The Beech is a big roadside boozer on the Derby Road and you can’t miss it as you come in off the A38.

Burton The Beech 03.03.18  (11).jpg

Marston’s are always up for a deal and they have certainly cashed in during Burton’s unprecedented rise to the Championship as they are known as ‘designated away pub’ on match days.

My Brewers pal tells me that this place is packed on away days and I am pretty sure the gaffer of this boozer is hoping Burton stay in the second tier of English football to maximise profits.

Derby, Birmingham.. (this sticker has nothing do with me, honestly!)

Burton The Beech 03.03.18 (14)

…Villa, Wolves, Nottingham Forest, Sheffield United, Sheffield Wednesday, Newcastle and Leeds are certainly going to bring more fans, therefore more drinkers, than the likes of Bury, Fleetwood and Southend.

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So, I’m pretty sure, the average working man in Burton isn’t turning on the news and listening to Jean Claude Juncker talk about issues that are not only irrelevant but bear little interest on his day to day life.

What he wants is Nigel Clough’s boys to keep defying the odds and stay up for a third consecutive campaign and keep the punters flooding in.

I popped in on a non-matchday Saturday and it was clearly quieter than usual but still had a few punters in.  The lounge was set up for a party and the bar smelled wonderfully clean (almost bleach like in a positive fashion) but it is clear this place is well looked after and a proper boozer with bench seating to boot.

Burton The Beech 03.03.18 (18)

The ground is apparently 650m to the south from the car park

(can you see the floodlight pylon just above the eurocell sign?)

Burton The Beech 03.03.18  (3).jpg

and there is a gazebo out the front that has become semi-permanent for match day trade.

A big beer garden to boot also helps and when the temperature isn’t -1 then I am sure it is well used!

Nonetheless, the care put into this place is obviously paying dividends as you are never too far from locals in Burton and a huge housing estate has been built less than half a mile away so there are plenty of chimney pots in the vicinity.

As well as a party in the lounge they have a regular pool team who are currently sitting outside the relegation zone in the Premier League of the Burton Sunday Pool League and this suggests that locals possibly give this place a wide berth on a matchday but turn up the rest of the time.


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And why wouldn’t they?  This 1930’s built boozer is close to the Trent and Mersey Canal, has Sky and BT Sports (PL Darts was on the agenda when I was there), a pool table (covered) and a jukebox along with karaoke nights every other weekend.

If you look at their twitter account https://twitter.com/beech_hotel then clearly they are flexible as a visit from the nearby Wetmore Fish bar kept visiting supporters fed on a recent occasion and their message in May was;

“Thank you to everyone that visited us this year at The Beech, what a fantastic season we have had!! Every single crowd we have had here has been a pleasure to serve.
We hope to see you all back next season! Thank you from all the football staff
.”  ⚽️⚽️🍺🍺

There was a decent crowd in and the gaffer is clearly used to letting people go about their business – in true football fan style – as he had no problem with me taking pictures or returning  a full pint when I had asked for a half.  Mind you, it was a cracking pint and at £1.65 for a half about standard price.

Burton The Beech 03.03.18 (24)

There was the odd away fans sticker that had secretly found its way on to a window to remind you that it was an away fans pub on machdays

(nothing to do with me, honestly I’ve told you before…these really were the only two stickers on the inside of the window!)

Burton The Beech 03.03.18 (22)

whilst the toilets were absolutely pristine and I reckon this place is rocking on a matchday.

So, in a nutshell, a good old boozer that has found a way to survive and sells a good pint of Pedigree – just one ale though that is probably sensible given its target audience – has attracted the local community and is pristine inside.

Yes, it wasn’t packed when I entered but it was busy enough with a group of blokes blocking the bar and a family with young kids by the fruit machines and everyone was just ticking along nicely.

I am absolutely positive that this place, like the rest of Europe and its entire workforce, is becoming increasingly disinterested with elected (or in some cases unelected) people on a gravy train clearly not interested in their day to day issues.

I am sure The Beech will be fine if Burton join Birmingham in League One next year but the results throughout March and April will be top of the business meetings held in their bar on a daily basis!

Burton The Beech 03.03.18  (27).jpg

17 thoughts on “Burton Albion, Football Pubs and Out Of Touch Politicians

  1. “650m”

    Thinks… Scratches head… Gets out calculator…

    Ah, you mean 711 yards. You know, those things we use in this country to measure distances on road signs 😛

    Liked by 2 people

  2. “(can you see the floodlight pylon just above the eurocell sign?)”

    Yep, at the end of the one storey building. 🙂

    “(nothing to do with me, honestly I’ve told you before…these really were the only two stickers on the inside of the window!)”

    Suuuuure. (rolls eyes) (j/k!) 🙂

    “If you look at their twitter account”

    A lot of folks definitely seem to like it. And I like how they try to cater to different clientèle (darts, footy, karaoke etc.). It seems to be working for them. (thumbs up)

    As for the politics… LOL, totally on board. 🙂

    I visit the “beer blogs” to mostly get away from that. As Martin said here:


    “Beer & Pubs Forum folk are capable of organising a good pub crawl and avoiding difficult political chat. ”

    Cheers! 🙂

    PS – Just curious but is the upstairs bit hotel rooms? You see that a lot over there but not so much over here.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. “I will avoid politics henceforth as pub blog just aware of how little people talk about it in pubs”

        Ian I deeply apologize. I phrased that poorly as I started typing it just before my brother got on for our weekly Skype chat… and I didn’t finish it until three pints (😜) later.

        Your blog, your rules. By all means let off steam once in awhile. You lot (that I follow) are mainly beer, with a side order of politics; and that’s fine by me. 😎

        And with that it’s almost 2:30am here (plus another 2 bottles of beer 😋) and time for bed. 😏


        Liked by 1 person

  3. Surprisingly I’ve never been in! May be its something to do with Burton’s history but there are some cracking real ale pubs near to the ground and an excellent club in Stretton. Some away fans have done weekenders in Burton given the improvement in the pubs in the last few years.

    I dont suppose Cotterill’s departure was a surprise? Well the way Derby fans are moaning, Rowett could be free soon. I don’t think the Blues would ever get him back!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. A decent pub 👍 however plenty of choice in Burton so will get on the case….no surprise but I think we’re down this year whoever is in charge …it’s been on the cards for a couple of years. We’ll have Rowett back!


      1. I suppose it must be said that Burton Albion are slightly punching above their weight playing in the Championship, rather like Yeovil Town were. Let’s just hope they don’t suffer the same fate as Stockport County 😦

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Great insight into the pub
    What he doesn’t mention is the genius idea of the outside bar very cleverly made out of a 40 ft container that eases the congestion in the main bar and lounge.
    On a match day there are plenty of staff to keep the punters happy ..
    They have even been on central news on out local tv station.
    Ps it’s pedigree because it’s a marstons pub (marstons has a brewery in burton)
    I also happen to know that Birmingham city fans are the biggest tippers .

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Cheers Ken it looked like a cracker of a pub my pal is a Burton fan so he gave me a bit of background and I support Blues so glad to hear we’re the best tippers 😀😀 we need to win at something this season 😵 I think it’s a great idea and more places should have a designated away fans boozer…big fan of Pedigree


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