Domestic Bliss At Stoke Prior’s Boat And Railway

“When you’re writing this blog I want you to let people know this wasn’t my kind of pub,” said Mrs BB.

However, bearing in mind this came at the end of a child free weekend including an overnight stop in a luxury hotel and a trip to Hanbury Hall in Droitwich Spa on Sunday I really don’t know what more I can do!

Hanbury Hall 14.04.19 (2)

I would also add in the caveat that I thought it was a cracking canalside boozer and I reckon Pete will share my point of view…

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Approaching 400 boozers on this blog I thought it was about time I ventured into Worcestershire and visions of the idyllic Droitwich Spa sprung to mind.

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However, driving into Stoke Prior Works, which was a town built for workers at the Stoke Works Station that carried trains from Droitwich Spa to Bromsgrove, it was a more urban landscape.

The Works station is now long gone but Mrs BB, who has a military background, noted that that ‘it looks like an army barracks town.”

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It does have a good industrial heritage though as John Corbett bought disused salt works from the British Alkali company and turned them into the largest in Europe.

All of that however, failed to convince Mrs BB that I had brought her to a gem when we pulled up outside 386 – The Boat And Railway B60 4EQ.

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There’s a big social club and football pitch behind it just over the river and it would be fair to say this is a canalside boozer in the traditional sense as opposed to a funky jazzed up gastro version.

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Moorings on the Brum to Worcester canal are available and I liked the atmosphere the minute I walked in as it was late, lazy Sunday afternoon vibe.

(Not Mrs BB)

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This means it was quite full with plenty of drinkers and a grebo geezer with dreads playing darts allied to a lot of Brummie accents (a sure fire sign it’s Bromsgrove territory) talking about football at the bar.

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I had a half of Banks’s (Amber) and it was excellent with the added bonuses of being charged only £1.40 for the privilege.

The barmaid was friendly and waited before topping up the half pint whilst Mrs BB was looking at her wrist and yearning for a Brunning & Price style waterside bistro (that’s not strictly true but you get the gist).

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We went outside onto the canal aside terrace and they’ve made a decent job of it as you can sit and watch the ducks or look at boats meander by.

For me, it was quintessential British canal pub life for Mrs BB, who had been spoiled with opulence (tongue in cheek as she’s unlikely to read this), this wasn’t quite the boozer for her.

(Mrs BB checking whatpub website!)

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Not sure it will grace the GBG but the beer was good and I reckon canal guru Pete could add this one to his list with Mrs Allen, who I am sure will be more grateful.

I mean, half a pint of Banks’s Amber, what more could a girl want?!

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It’s a pub that’s clean and making an effort, selling good beer, has a good atmosphere and by the canal, what’s not to like?…#publife.

17 thoughts on “Domestic Bliss At Stoke Prior’s Boat And Railway

  1. First!

    And with that juvenile comment out of the way I’m just popping in quickly to say, in the best Monty Python tradition, I’m not dead yet! 🙂

    Busier than a 3-armed paper hanger and, to top it off, heading out to Cancun for a week in a few hours (getting up at 2am to catch the first flight!). So, I hope to be back to my usual witty self posting comments come early May.


    Oh, and a happy semi-late St. George’s Day.*

    * – I say semi-late since, owing to Easter, we’re not supposed to celebrate it until next Monday.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. We haven’t been back down that way since, either. I’m glad it is still thriving.
        If you wanted to impress Mrs BB, the Queen’s Head is just up the canal towards Brum…a canalside gastropub that was being refurbished last time we passed by.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. ““When you’re writing this blog I want you to let people know this wasn’t my kind of pub,” ”

    Oh I get that… in spades BBM. Mrs Russtovich and I don’t agree on many a thing. 😉

    “I really don’t know what more I can do!”

    There are times (99%?) when it doesn’t matter what one does, does it? 🙂

    “and visions of the idyllic Droitwich Spa sprung to mind.”

    Whoops! I can see where this is going.

    “noted that that ‘it looks like an army barracks town’.”

    Yep, that’s where it wound up. 🙂

    “when we pulled up outside 386 – The Boat And Railway B60 4EQ.”

    Looks a gem to me in the photo below.

    “and it would be fair to say this is a canalside boozer in the traditional sense as opposed to a funky jazzed up gastro version.”

    So, more in the Alan Winfield style then?

    “(that’s not strictly true but you get the gist).”

    Yep. 🙂

    “this wasn’t quite the boozer for her.”

    We don’t have many boozers around my parts but I can commiserate in the sense that my better half doesn’t ‘get’ zombie films or Monty Python (or Pat Metheny! – jazz guy). 🙂

    “I mean, half a pint of Banks’s Amber, what more could a girl want?!”

    Well, if it was Mrs RM, I’d say a whole pint and IPA to boot!


    Liked by 1 person

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