Sexy Seventies Memories In Castle Donington

Chequered 26.09.17 (2)

Anybody over the age of 45 must remember Barry Sheene overtaking Kenny Roberts and flicking the ‘V’ sign to his American rival in the British Grand Prix of 1979.  This was an era when there were ‘characters’ in sport i.e. people who liked a pint!   With Sheene being world champion in 1976 and James Hunt in 1977 then bikes and car Grand Prix’s were arguably at their sexiest in the seventies, and this was a golden era for ‘boy next door’ heroes.

The Seventies always remind me of Dickie Davies’ quiff on World Of Sport, which had some classic Saturday afternoon sport.  I am not sure sport was any better in the seventies (discussion anyone?) but, without doubt, it was more accessible to the man on the street.

(signed frame of Sheene & Hunt in Chequered Flag)

Chequered 26.09.17 (9)

Therefore, when you put on the rose tinted spectacles – usually after a pint – the memories are good and quite often pubs are all about escapism with stories being the lifeblood of this.  Random conversations in pubs with strangers have often given me a better education in life than that really useful French ‘O’ Level I got back in 1987.

Talking of which, I had a fantastic conversation with random people and a couple of pals in a cracking micro pub in Castle Donington 59- The Chequered Flag DE74 2LA.

You might have guessed from the early bike references that – aside from the Download/Monsters of Rock festival, Donington is best known for its racetrack.

The track is there as you drive in just next to the East Midlands Aeropark, along with the Ron Haslam Bike School and the noise of motorbikes is associated forever with this town and its links are inescapable. This is a village that enjoys its history and there are many people with a tale to tell about the roar of bicycles and a lot of petrol heads!

Chequered 26.09.17 (10)

So, when two of my pals and I wandered into this Micro pub on a Tuesday night there was a crackle in the air.  The beauty of micro pubs is that with only ten people in there it still has a good atmosphere and welcome, friendly conversation was rife.

Cliff the barman – the gaffer Bert wasn’t there – was a huge racing fan and talk quickly turned to Sheene’s v-sign at Roberts and Cliff recalled how Sheene would stop in the centre of Donington in hotels and drink with the locals. I’m not sure that would happen nowadays, in fact I’m positive it wouldn’t as globalisation, social media and the spectre of press officers mean ‘characters’ are few and far between.

Another couple of people joined in and it turned out to be a fantastic hour spent in the company of good people. I know sometimes when you are already with a couple of friends conversation flows easier but I would be pretty confident if I walked into this pub on my own I would strike up a conversation within minutes.

Oh yes, the beer!  Top notch pint of Spark IPA (Tollgate) and one of the pub whispers I heard is that The Chequered Flag currently sponsor an F2 driver and that wouldn’t surprise me as this was a top-notch community pub.

Chequered 26.09.17 (3)

It felt more like a pub than a micro and I say that in a positive sense as it seemed as though this place has been around in Donington for years and its location on the main shopping street means it will pick up a lot of passing trade (except of course for Monday’s when it’s shut!).

This is a top little boozer in a nice part of the world; it proves once again that people who make an effort with customers usually run the best pubs.

Chequered 26.09.17 (13)

21 thoughts on “Sexy Seventies Memories In Castle Donington

  1. Nice piece. Proper little town, and yes the locals did chat to me when I popped in there on my own, so you’re right. Sport is better when your team is winning. I started supporting City when Dennis Tueart won the League Cup with an overhead kick in 76, which was a good year (even though England were unexpectedly rubbish).


    1. In which case most of my sporting Life has been hugely underwhelming as a Blues fan! Promotion seasons in eighties were good though along with 2011 Carling Cup..where does playoff win over Gillingham stand for City fans??


      1. Standing always more fun.. understand why we don’t in England but reintroduction of safe standing will definitely improve atmosphere…supporting City also allows you to visit the Vine in Albion!


  2. “Anybody over the age of 45 must remember Barry Sheene overtaking Kenny Roberts and flicking the ‘V’ sign to his American rival in the British Grand Prix of 1979.”
    I think you should add “in Britain” after age 45. 🙂

    “in fact I’m positive it wouldn’t as globalisation, social media and the spectre of press officers mean ‘characters’ are few and far between.”
    Sigh. Sadly, I have to agree with that. 😦

    “This is a top little boozer in a nice part of the world; it proves once again that people who make an effort with customers usually run the best pubs.”
    Happily I agree with that. Paul Bailey mentioned something similar in his blog:

    “In which case most of my sporting Life has been hugely underwhelming as a Blues fan!”
    Don’t take this the wrong way but the only “Blues” team I know is Chelsea (my Dad, god rest his soul, was a big fan). I looked up UK Football nicknames on Wiki and there are nine with the nickname of Blues! I’m guessing yours is Birmingham but – and this is mainly due to the distances over here – there are another three within a 90 minute drive of The Chequered Flag. A 90 minute drive over here is bugger all. Heck, I drive to Nanaimo every month for work and it’s a 90 minute drive each way. I go to Victoria 4 or 5 times a year and it’s a 3 hour drive each way. And my wife’s relatives, in the Yukon, think nothing of driving 7 hours (each way) for the weekend!

    I have to admit though, I love how (in most of the UK) you have so many pubs in close proximity. 🙂


    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s definitely Birmingham as all the other Blues in close proximity appear to be far more successful than us recently…..happy to nominate you as an honorary Birmingham fan! You can be the Canadian branch of our supporters club. Kev Francis lives over in Canada too and he used to play so that almost constitutes a crowd!


      1. “happy to nominate you as an honorary Birmingham fan! You can be the Canadian branch of our supporters club”

        I still have to follow Chelsea in honour of my Dad, but I’ll happily make Birmingham my “northern” team. 😎

        Plus, I can still yell “go on you Blues!” and it can mean either one. 😉


        Liked by 1 person

  3. The Chequered Flag is the only pub i have not done in Castle Donington,done all others loads of times,when i went to do it on a Saturday its opening hours said open at 4pm,i was there far too early to wait for it to open.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. You should have done the pub/bar next door,The Apres,i quite liked it in there,decent beer and very busy Saturday dinner time.
    I am pretty sure The Chequered Flag is missing a trick by not opening until 4pm,but that’s Micro pubs for you.

    Liked by 1 person

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