Non – descript Pubs #2: Pubs On Retail Parks

You’ve got to blame thank Mrs BB for the latest instalment in the Non-descript pubs series. “Could you pick me up a table and chairs from IKEA?”

Normally, I’d be up for this slice of domestic bliss you understand as the closest branch to us is Nottingham, which is based on the ‘Eastwood Mile.’

It was very thoughtful of the IKEA planners to plonk their store at the end of a road that has around 10/15 pubs on it and sells some top-notch ales.

However, Mrs BB informed me Nottingham had none in stock so I had to brave the M6 and head deep into Paul WME territory and the delights of IKEA Wednesbury

But fear not reader, there is always a silver lining on every cloud, albeit a non-descript pub silver lining.

(M6 in the background)

772 – The Chestnut Tree WS10 9QY is on the same retail park as IKEA and is one of those Marston’s new build style pubs with a carvery and lots of funky desserts.

To be fair, at around 2pm on a Thursday there were quite a few punters in as a couple of blokes had a proper pub chat, and there was also a double cask option.

Yam need a drink when yor’ve bin to IKEA,” said the barmaid.  Sensing my need to unwind and she also said, “I’ll let that settle” after pulling a pint of Hobgoblin (Wychwood) which is usually a sign that the beer is spot on…and it was.

That’s the thing with these non-descript pubs.  The staff are friendly, and they serve good cask (in the first two instalments) but will they be the future?

I can foresee a time where Martin, Duncan and Si will be racing round the country stopping off at motorways, A roads, retail parks and service stations when the GBG 2035 will have 100 ‘pubs’ only that are all non-descript…but open all day with their napkins as opposed to beermats! The first instalment of this series can be found here.

I’m not sure if Paul WME has actually ticked this one off – I suspect he has – but it is non-descript.  Clean, tidy, friendly and serving good beer…maybe IKEA could start building their own pubs…as the advert says “You can never have too much of a good thing.”

8 thoughts on “Non – descript Pubs #2: Pubs On Retail Parks

  1. Greetings Beermat – you should have gone into that Seven Bar/Turks Head/most violent pub in the Black Country whilst you were in the Wednesbury area instead of subjecting us to non-descriptness. At least that would have prepared you for any scrummages over IKEA furniture. As for the Chestnut Tree, I possibly had a family meal there years ago to recover from Swedish shopping but I can’t say I’ve ticked it as a WME contender. Gven that the cask ale looks reasonable I may have to give it another look! Cheers, Paul

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  2. Prolific posting from you again Beermat (it’s even inspired me to post something) anyone would think you are on holiday currently.

    Point to note, should the good lady Beermat ever send you on an errand to Ventura Park in Tamworth (there’s a decent B & Q there so much so I saw Curtis Davis in there on my last visit) there is another one of these non descript pubs a stones throw away. I guarantee nothing will happen if you go in, a drought for pub bloggers looking for material

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pubs on retail parks? I give you The Camperdown Elm, Dundee. Marston’s Dining pub, nondescript in every way, no cask available but… but… comfortable, friendly staff, decent, reasonably priced nosebag etc etc. It’s a pleasant place to be for a while.

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